Saturday, February 15, 2020

Genderism and Architecture Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Genderism and Architecture - Research Proposal Example John could easily pass for a straight man, as he was living in the closet. Even his closest associates would never have dreamed John was gay. But John couldn't take the chance that someone might "out" him to his close friends and family, whom he loved dearly but couldn't with them share his horribly dark secret-that yes, he was gay. Much less would he tell anyone at his workplace that he was gay. For fear of seeming effeminate or less of a man, John decided to keep quiet and keep his nose to the grindstone. What Jane and John face in the world of architecture is not uncommon. Let's hope their dreams to succeed in a straight man's world come true. II. Introduction Unfortunately for many people, genderism is a major topic, especially in the arena of the workplace. For people who are architects, their profession is dominated by the general premise that only socially acceptable architects are straight men. Where, then, does this leave the woman and the gay man Where is their place in their workplace How can they relate to other architects when the cards are stacked against them before they can even prove themselves worthy of the same privileged respect that straight men automatically receive by virtue of their being straight men Undoubtedly, there are many questions which this dissertation will seek to answer. III. Research Question and Methodology How does a woman practicing architecture and a gay man practicing architecture have to fulfill certain stereotypes that do exist in a masculine profession like architecture in order to achieve My research question assumes that, obviously in a straight male-dominated profession, women and gay men are going to be at odds in their careers. They will most likely be constantly...Where, then, does this leave the woman and the gay man Where is their place in their workplace How can they relate to other architects when the cards are stacked against them before they can even prove themselves worthy of the same privileged respect that straight men automatically receive by virtue of their being straight men Undoubtedly, there are many questions which this dissertation will seek to answer. My research question assumes that, obviously in a straight male-dominated profession, women and gay men are going to be at odds in their careers. They will most likely be constantly harassed or worse if they cannot find ways of managing to adapt and/or deal with their work environment as architects. Thus, it must first be proved that architecture is a straight man's domain. Then it will be envisioned what it would be like if everyone had the same opportunities in the field. Finally, both the plights of the woman and the gay man will be examined, after which conclusions will be drawn. and Space (1996), where much of the feel of a house is designed depends on where furniture is placed; indeed, a "spatial-psychological device [can] also be read in terms of power, [and] regimes of control inside the house. Reactions like these would be typical

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